Sometimes, I wish we could scratch out the word “public” from “public relations”.
For many, “public relations” brings to mind corporate press conferences, ribbon cuttings with oversized scissors or executives handing over giant foam checks. PR is often far more personal and not just about publicity, it’s about relationships.
At C2 Strategic, we specialize in delivering sometimes-complicated messages in a messy world. Yes, that includes helping the public understand major transportation projects or economic investments. Just as often, it means guiding organizations through sensitive internal communications—announcing a CEO’s retirement, preparing employees for a major relocation or explaining the difficult decision to close a longstanding service. These aren’t one-time announcements; they require thoughtful, ongoing conversations with multiple audiences.
We help organizations navigate these tough discussions every day because at its core, public relations is about helping people understand and manage change.
If you’re avoiding or facing a difficult conversation within your organization, you don’t have to go it alone. We can help you craft the right message, deliver it to the right people and ensure it’s understood the right way. Contact us today.